FAQs - Retail

User ID and password

Can I change my user ID?

You may not change your user ID.

How can I get a password to use Al Ahly Net & Al Ahly Mobile?

After subscribing to the service, a "Login Passcode" will be sent to your mobile phone registered with the Bank to be used in creating your "Login Password".

When can I use Al Ahly Net?

Al Ahly Net is available 24/7.

Can I login for the first time via Al Ahly Mobile application?

Yes, you can login for the first time via Al Ahly Mobile application and create your "Login Password".

Can the "Login Password" be changed?

Yes, you can change the "Login Password" by clicking on "Change Password>Enter Old Password> Enter New Password>Confirm New Password".

What happens if an incorrect login password is entered?

In case of making 5 consecutive failed attempts to enter the login password, the User ID will be locked. You should contact NBE's call center at 19623 or visit the nearest branch to unlock your user.

Which web browser can be used to access Al Ahly Net?

Supported browsers are Microsoft Edge, Firefox & Google Chrome. Please use the latest versions of these browsers to ensure that the system runs smoothly.

Soft token App

Is this service available to both retail and corporate customers?

No, it is available only to NBE's retail customers.

How can the soft token be used in making transfers and carrying out transactions?

Download the App via Google Play/ App Store, then log into Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile > Token Services > Soft Token Services > Soft Token Activation > enter the OTP sent to your mobile phone number registered with the Bank, then accept the "Terms & Conditions", scan the Cronto Image (QR code) or enter the activation ID and Activation password into the App.

Can the soft token App and hard token be used together in creating an OTP?

Yes, the soft token App and hard token with a retail customer User ID can be used together in case you have subscribed to both types of tokens.

Can Touch ID be activated on the soft token App?

Touch ID only can be activated on the soft token App via Settings > Biometric authentication > Enter App PIN code>Confirm using Touch ID.

Hard token

Is this service available to both retail and corporate customers?

Yes, the service is available to both NBE's retail and corporate customers.

How can a hard token be obtained for Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

You can receive a hard token from the nearest branch and activate it via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile or by contacting NBE's call center at 19623.

What happens if the hard token PIN code is entered incorrectly?

The hard token will be suspended and may be activated again through the nearest branch.

How can a PIN code be assigned for the hard token for Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

Press "Ok" then enter 4 digits. Re-enter the digits to confirm the PIN code. the word "HELLO" will be displayed.

How can a one-time password (OTP) be created through the hard token?

Open the hard token by pressing "OK", enter the hard token 4-digit PIN code then press "1" to create an OTP to carry out transactions through the service.

Hard token services

Is this service available to both retail and corporate customers?

Yes, the service is available to both NBE's retail and corporate customers.

What are the actions available for the hard token?

You can activate, refresh and deactivate the hard token.

Can Hard Token services be used via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

Yes, you can use this service via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile.

Account activity

How can I track financial transactions carried out on the accounts?

Go to the main menu > Current and Savings Accounts >Current and Saving >" Account Activity" > choose "From" and "To" dates from the drop down menu, then click on "Apply"; or go to "Account Details" then click on "Account Activity".

Can financial transactions be printed?

Yes, you can print and save a statement of the account activity in PDF format.

Can debit and credit transactions be viewed separately?

Yes, you can view debit transactions only or credit transactions only by choosing the transaction type from the drop down menu in the "Account Activity" screen.


Can the details of paid cheques be viewed?

Yes, the cheque number, status and amount can be viewed.

How can the details of paid cheques be viewed?

Choose from the Main Menu >Accounts> Accounts, then select "Cheque Status Inquiry". Select the account, then Select search parameter.

Can the status of cheques under collection be viewed?

Yes, you can view the status of cheques under collection deposited at the Bank (collected/rejected/under collection)

Personal financial management

Can I track my Spends via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

You can track all your debit transactions and spends via the personal financial management service which allows you to classify your transactions by type. You can go to this service through the main menu and track your spends for up to 90 days.

Can I set up a budget via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

Yes, you can set up a budget for your transactions. Choose the category via the personal financial management service. You can set up a one-month budget, a recurring budget or a budget for a specified period up to 3 years. You can monitor your budget through a graph. You can go to the service via the main menu > Personal Financial Management > Budget > Create New Budget.

Can I add new categories for the classification of my transactions?

Yes, you can add up to 7 new categories and 9 sub-categories for each main category by modifying the categories of my spends.

Can I remove categories and add other categories in their place?

You may not remove previously added categories but you can modify the name of the category.

Can I remove/modify added categories through the Bank?

You may not remove or modify added categories through the Bank or add sub-categories to them.

Can I remove a category which classifies a transaction?

You may not delete the classification but you can modify the category and reclassify the transaction.

Can I cancel a transaction's classification into sub-transactions?

You may not cancel the classification of transactions but you can modify it.


Can all types of certificates/deposits in different currencies be viewed?

Yes, log in and click on Accounts > Certificates/Deposits > Certificates/Deposits Details from the main menu.

How can the details of the certificate/deposit be viewed?

Click on "Certificates/Deposits" on the home page then click on the icon next to the certificate/deposit number, then click on "Certificates/Deposits Details" from the drop down menu.

What are the details of the certificates/deposits that can be viewed?

o                     Certificate/deposit amount and period

o                     Certificate/deposit account number

o                     Certificate/deposit status

o                     Open date

o                     Maturity date

o                     Interest rate

o                     Total maturity amount

o                     Payout account number

o                     Available balance

o                     Blocked amount

o                     Blocking reason

o                     Maturity instructions and details

o                     Interest frequency


Can certificates/deposits be opened via the service?

Yes, certificates/deposits can be opened via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile. Click on Accounts from the main menu > Certificates/Deposits > Open Certificates/Deposits

Can certificates/deposits be redeemed via the service?

Yes, certificates/deposits can be redeemed via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile. Click on Accounts from the main menu > Certificates/Deposits > Redeem Certificates/Deposits

What are the available options for amending certificates/deposits?

To amend maturity instructions, with respect to certificate/deposit status/payout account, click Accounts from the main menu > Certificates/Deposits > Amend Certificates/Deposits

How long does it take to process any request to open/redeem/amend certificates/deposits via Al Ahly Net?

 All requests are processed in real time online.

Multiple transfers

What is the multiple transfers service?

Multiple transfers enable you to execute more than one (internal/domestic) transfer faster and in a one-step only. Select the payee and enter all the transaction details, then click on "Save" and add the other transactions, then click on "Submit".

Payment services

Are bill payment and mobile recharge services enabled?

Yes, you can use Fawry services via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile by clicking on "Payment Services" from the main menu.

Transfers and donations

Can I transfer funds across my accounts?

Yes, you can transfer funds across your accounts, and transfer funds from your accounts in different foreign currencies to your EGP accounts.

Can I transfer funds to accounts at other banks inside Egypt?

 Yes, in such case, you will have to use a hard token obtained from the branch or download the soft token App.

What are the currencies enabled for transfer via Al Ahly Net?

In case of own account transfers, you can transfer funds in the same currency whether a local or foreign currency. You can also convert your funds in any foreign currency to EGP. However, in case of internal or domestic transfers, only transfers in the local currency are allowed.

Can transfers be made to other accounts inside or outside NBE?

Yes, you can make a one-time transfer to a payee, or you can enter the details of Payees to make transfers directly to them.

Can donations be made?

Yes, you can donate to the different donation recipients available on Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile.

Can transactions be inquired about?

Yes, you can inquire about transactions carried out via Al Ahly Net and their details and download the transaction receipt.

Can money be transferred to an e-wallet with another bank?

Yes, you can transfer money to e-wallets inside/outside NBE.

Loans and Finances

Can all types of loans be displayed?

Yes, by logging in then going to the main menu > Accounts > Loans and Finances

How can the details of loan accounts be viewed?

You can inquire about loan details by going to the main menu > Accounts > Loans and Finances > Loan Details.

What are the details of loans that can be viewed?

o         Product name

o         Loan account number

o         Account currency

o         Sanctioned loan amount

o         Loan outstanding

o         Interest rate

o         Account opening and maturity dates

o         Amounts paid to date

o         Installments paid

o         Loan tenure

o         Next installment amount

o         Remaining installments


How can I view a statement of loan accounts?

Go to the main menu>Accounts > Loans and Finances > Loan Account Activity then select the account and one of the display parameters.

Can a loan account statement be printed?

Yes, you can print and save a loan account statement in PDF format.


Can the system remind me of my payments or installments?

Yes. A new special service "Reminders" allows you to set up multiple reminders with different frequencies by going to the Dashboard, choose a title for the reminder, a currency and, the start/end dates and follow the steps shown.

Mutual funds

Can the details of the different types of mutual funds be viewed?

Yes, log in and select "Mutual Funds" from the main menu, then click on "Investment Details" to view all details.

I do not have a mutual fund account, how can an account be created?

You can create an investment account for the first time by selecting the mutual funds service and clicking on "Place Orders" then "Purchase Mutual Funds" to be directed to the screen of opening investment accounts and selecting accounts to be linked to the investment account.

What is the primary account assigned upon opening an investment account?

The primary account is the account which receives the dividends of mutual fund certificates. It can be changed later if you wish.

What are the details of mutual funds that can be viewed?

o                     Outstanding certificate balance

o                     Current value of outstanding certificate balance

o                     Latest price of mutual fund certificates

o                     Dividends share received

Cards services

Can I view the details of NBE credit cards via Al Ahly Net/ NBE Mobile?

   Yes. Using the credit cards services, you can do the following:

o         Obtain a credit card summary including: Current balance, available limit and payment due date details.

o         Download monthly statements of account.

o         Make credit card payments.

o         Inquire about unsettled amounts.

o         Inquire about transactions during the current month.

Can I make credit card due payments?

Yes, the payment of credit card due amounts is available to Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile subscribers.

What are the debit card services available through Al Ahly Net/ NBE Mobile?

o         Activate new/renewed debit card.

o         Request PIN.

o         Reset the number of failed attempts to enter the PIN to zero.

o         Stop the current card and issue a new one.

Are debit card services available for both the original and supplementary cards?

Yes, debit card services are available for both the original and supplementary cards.

Can the different details of prepaid cards be viewed?

Yes, log in and go to the main menu, select "Prepaid Cards", then click on "Card Details" to view all details.

What are the services available for prepaid cards?

o                     Inquire about transactions on the card.

o                     Activate new and renewed cards.

o                     Reset number of failed attempts using the cards to zero.

o                     Stop the current card and issue a new one.

o                     Transfer to prepaid card.

o                     Reset PIN

Applying for a loan/credit card

Can I apply for NBE's products?

Yes, you can apply for a personal or auto loan/credit card via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile after completing and uploading all required documents.

Can I track the status of the submitted loan application?

You can track the loan status by going to the main menu, and clicking on "Loan/Credit Card Application", then clicking on "Track Application" to view the application status.

Update personal information

Can I update my personal information via the internet banking service?

Yes, you can update the following personal information via the internet banking service: email, number of dependents, educational qualification, type of residence, home phone number, correspondence address and annual income category.

Standing instructions

Do standing instructions enable making transfer outside the customer's accounts?

Yes, this service enables you to set up standing instructions to make transfers to other customers of National Bank of Egypt only. The Payee account has to be registered first then a soft/hard token is used to authorize the transfer to ensure successful execution.  

Can standing instructions be modified or stopped?

Yes, you can stop standing instructions but you cannot modify them.

Can the details of executed standing instructions be viewed?

Yes, you can view the number of both executed and unexecuted standing instructions. 

Favourite accounts settings

Can a primary account be selected for carrying out financial transactions?

Yes, you can select a favourite account to be the primary account for carrying out financial transactions by going to the main menu > Account settings > personal preferences > Primary Account Number

Open new sub-account

Can I open an account via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

Yes, you can open a new sub-account as long as you do not have the same type of account in the same currency. Your personal information must also be updated. In case a message indicating that your personal information expired is displayed, refer to the branch to update your information.

Can I choose the branch of the new sub-account?

Yes, you can choose the branch and City.

I-Score credit inquiry services

Can I submit an I-Score credit report request via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

You can now submit an I-Score report request via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile to submit the request directly and save it in PDF format.


FAQs (Corporate)

What are the services available via Al Ahly Net and Al Ahly Mobile?

o   Inquire about accounts, certificates, deposits, loans and mutual fund certificates.

o   Transfers (internal/domestic transfers).

o   Purchase and redeem deposits and certificates and amend their maturity instructions.

o   Purchase and redeem mutual fund certificates.

o   Fawry payment services.

o   Transfer funds to e-wallets.

o   Donations.

o   Other services ( Click here to show all Al Ahly Net-Corporate services via our website)

Subscription for corporate customers

How can I subscribe to Al Ahly Net & Al Ahly Mobile?

You can subscribe by visiting the nearest branch.

How can I get a password for Al Ahly Net & Al Ahly Mobile service?

After subscribing to the service, the user name and corporate ID will be sent to the email registered in the application and a "Login password" will be sent to the mobile phone registered at the bank to be used in creating your "Login Password".

Can the "Login Password" be changed?

Yes, you can change the "Login Password" by clicking on "Change Password>Enter Old Password> New Password>Confirm New Password".

What happens if an incorrect password is entered?

In case of making 5 failed attempts to enter the login password, the user will be suspended and the "Forgot Password" service can be used to create a new password or you can visit the nearest branch to request a new password to be sent to your mobile phone.

Which web browser can be used to access Al Ahly Net?

Supported browsers are Microsoft Edge, Firefox & Google Chrome. Please use the latest versions of these browsers to ensure that the system runs smoothly.

Is Al Ahly Mobile application supported by Android and IOS mobile operating systems?

Yes, the application is supported by Android 9 and later versions and IOS 11 and later versions.

What is the maximum number of users for a single corporate customer?

There is no maximum limit for the number of corporate users including makers and checkers.

Can financial transactions be carried out by both a maker and a checker?

Yes, financial transactions can be carried out by a maker and a checker. The corporate customer may also specify up to five levels of revision for each transaction. Confirmation steps of a financial transactions can be set up through a group of checkers in a single menu for confirmation by any one user or checker in each revision level according to the financial authority granted by the corporate customer to each user.

Can a corporate customer use a soft token?

Not available. Corporate customers can only obtain a hard token from the nearest branch.

Can Al Ahly Mobile be used in carrying out the financial transactions of a corporate customer?

Yes, it can be used.


How can I follow up financial transactions carried out on the accounts?

Go to the main menu> Accounts> Accounts> Accounts Activity > choose "From" and "To" dates from the drop down menu, then click on "Apply"; or go to "Account Details" then click on "Account Activity".

Can financial transactions be printed?

Yes, the account activity can be printed and saved in PDF, CSV & MT940 formats for corporate customers.

Can debit and credit transactions be viewed separately?

Yes, you can view debit transactions only or credit transactions only by choosing the transaction type from the drop down menu in the "Account Activity" screen.

How can the account details be viewed?

Go to Main Menu>Accounts> Accounts> Accounts Details, then select the account, or select the account that you wish to view from the "Account Financial Summary" on the home page.

What are the account details that can be viewed?

Account type/currency , Branch>Account status , Account opening date>IBAN No. , Net available balance , Amount on hold , Amount under collection , Equivalent balance , Withdrawal limit , Utilized balance , Minimum balance required.

Can a primary account be selected for carrying out financial transactions?

Yes, you can select a favorite account to be the primary account for carrying out financial transactions by going to the Main Menu> Account Settings > personal preferences> primary account No.


Can all types of certificates/deposits in different currencies be viewed?

Yes, log in and click on "Accounts" then "Certificates/Deposits" then "Certificates/Deposits Overview" from the side menu.

How can the details of the certificate/deposit be viewed?

"Certificates and Deposits Details" is displayed when you click "Certificates and Deposits" from Home Page, then click on "Certificate/ Deposit Number".

What are the details of the certificates/deposits that can be viewed?

o    Certificate/deposit amount and period

o    Certificate/deposit account number

o    Certificate/deposit status

o    Open date

o    Maturity date

o    Interest rate

o    Total maturity amount

o    Payout account number

o    Available balance

o    Blocked amount

o    Blocking reason

o    Maturity instructions and details

o    Interest frequency


Can certificates/deposits be opened via the service?

Yes, certificates/deposits can be opened via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile. Click on "Accounts" then "Certificates/Deposits", then click on "Open Certificates/deposits"

Can certificates/deposits be redeemed via the service?

Yes, certificates/deposits can be redeemed via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile. Click on "Accounts" then "Certificates/Deposits", then click on "Redeem Certificates/Deposits"

What are the available options for amending certificates/deposits?

To amend maturity instructions, with respect to certificate/deposit status/payout account, click on "Accounts" then "Certificates/Deposits", then click on "Amend Certificates/Deposits".

How long does it take to process any request to open/redeem/amend certificates/deposits via Al Ahly Net & Al Ahly Mobile ?

All requests are processed in real time online.

Mutual funds

Can the details of the different types of mutual funds be viewed?

Yes, log in and select "Mutual Funds" from the side menu, then click on "Investment Details" to view all details.

I do not have an investment account; how can an account be created?

You can create an investment account for the first time by selecting the mutual funds service and clicking on "Place Orders" then "Purchase Mutual Funds" to be directed to the screen of opening investment accounts and selecting accounts to be linked to the investment account.

What is the primary account assigned upon opening an investment account?

The primary account is the account which receives the dividends of mutual fund certificates. It can be changed later if you wish.

What are the details of mutual funds that can be viewed?

o   Outstanding certificate balance

o   Current value of outstanding certificate balance

o   Latest price of mutual fund certificates

o   Dividends received


Can the details of paid cheques be viewed?

Yes, the cheque number, status and amount can be viewed.

How can the details of paid cheques be viewed?

Choose from the Main Menu >Accounts> Accounts, then select "Cheque Status Inquiry". Select the account, then Select search parameter.

Can the status of cheques under collection be viewed?

Yes, you can view the status of cheques under collection deposited at the Bank (collected/rejected/under collection)


Can a transfer be made without adding a beneficiary?

Yes, through the one-time transfer service. A beneficiary may be added immediately after completing a transfer.

Can a transfer note be printed?

Yes, through the transactions inquiry service.

Is a transfer note sent to the beneficiary?

Yes, a transfer note is sent to the email registered for the beneficiary upon creating a beneficiary template or upon making a one-time transfer.

Can transactions carried out via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile be inquired about?

Yes, you can inquire about transactions carried out via Al Ahly Net and their details and download the transaction receipt.


What are the details of loans that can be viewed?

o   Product name

o   Loan account number

o   Account currency

o   Sanctioned loan amount

o   Loan outstanding

o   Interest rate

o   Account opening and maturity dates

o   Amounts paid to date

o   Installments paid

o   Loan tenure

o   Next installment amount

o   Remaining installments

Can a loan account statement be printed?

Yes, you can print and save a loan account statement in PDF format.


Can donations be made?

Yes. You can donate to different donation recipients available on Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile .

Standing instructions

Do standing instructions enable making transfer outside the company's accounts?

Yes, this service enables you to set up standing instructions to make transfers to other customers of National Bank of Egypt only. The beneficiary account has to be registered first then a hard token is used to authorize the transfer.

Can standing instructions be modified or stopped?

Yes, you can stop standing instructions but you cannot modify them.

Can the details of executed standing instructions be viewed?

Yes, you can view the number of both executed and unexecuted standing instructions. 

Multiple transfers

What is the multiple transfers service?

Multiple transfers enable you to execute more than one (internal/domestic) transfer faster and in a one-step only. Select the Payee and enter all the transaction details, then click on "Save" and add the other transactions the click on "Submit".

Payment services

Are bill payment and mobile recharge services enabled?

Yes, you can use FAWRY services via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile.


Can money be sent to an e-wallet with another bank?

Yes, you can send money to e-wallets inside/outside National Bank of Egypt.

Hard token

How can a hard token be obtained for Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

You can receive a hard token from the nearest branch and activate it via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile.

How can a PIN code be assigned for the hard token for Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

Press "Ok" then enter 4 digits. Re-enter the digits to confirm the PIN code, the word "HELLO" will be displayed.

What happens if the hard token PIN code is entered incorrectly?

The hard token will be suspended and may be activated again through the nearest branch.

How can a one-time password (OTP) be created through the hard token?

Open the hard token by pressing "OK", enter the hard token PIN code then press "1" to create an OTP to carry out transactions through the service.

What are the actions available for the hard token?

You can activate, refresh and deactivate the hard token.

Can this service be used via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile?

Yes, you can use this service via Al Ahly Net/Al Ahly Mobile.